dancing in the ashes

Word Count :: 404 OOC

She of course put up her usual front, still untrusting, still hating him, but having to suppress her feelings due to her situation. Helotes couldn’t help but smile at this, enjoying the feeling of the power he had over her and forgetting for a short moment that she held something over his head too. The two of them were like adversaries in an embrace with knives at each others backs, a symbiotic relationship that neither of them truly wanted. But at the same time, it was like game to Helotes, one that he was very much enjoying.

She greeted him haughtily, having picked up his name from somewhere not to his surprise, he knew that his name was on the lips of those in the pack; it seemed he had gained some kind of infamy, whether it be from his spar with Carrion, his tryst with Valkyrie or his close relationship with Zana he did not know. Either way, he was glad that everyone seemed to know him now, accept him, and that he was a stable member of the pack though he wondered when his family would arrive, it had been nearly a moon’s turn now since he had seen them.

Vesper tersely asked him if he knew where the Aquila was and he perked his ears at this. Why would she be asking about their leader? Was she planning on leaving now that she healed and wanted to thank him for his generous hospitality or did she have some kind of other motive? She had hinted at the fact that she was considering staying here. Helotes stepped away from the tree and stretched his arms above his heads, Nope, can’t say that I do. Might be on one of his trips, but why, may I ask, are you wanted to see him? He asked this question with a sly grin, already somewhat knowing the answer.

But before Vesper could answer, speak of the devil, Ezekiel arrived. He wreaked of horse sweat and his own, confirming Helotes’ statement that he had been on a trip. Helotes straightened as his leader made a statement about Vesper making friends, Yes, this little girl has made quite an impression on us all I think. He shot a grin at Vesper before turning back to the Aquila, Got some spunk that one. Helotes was thoroughly enjoying this and knew Vesper’s insides must have been boiling at him.

Image courtesy of filtran; Table by the Mentors!

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