I only think about rabbits!

\(`0´)/ I think Des can handle him :3 Just don‘t go gay >>;

Squish. Des almost shrieked out as something heavy stamped on him. What a brutal awakening from his daydreaming! And what a character to be awaken by! Des didn’t know how to react, the little voice in his head wanted him to growl and attack the assaulter, but his calm mind kept it in check. He sat up and stretched out his arms.

The other looked even more tired than him, like as if he had fell into a well of sleep and only barely gotten out of it. At least that was what Des thought. He had seen this character before, on the pack meeting. As he recalled, this one had spoken wise enough about the war and not come with any hasty suggestions. Des didn’t care for hasty suggestions.

Desaevio Caesius, but you can call me Des, easier for a tired mind to remember. he teased. After being called “you the guy”, he didn’t see the point in being formal.

Do you like this place too? I mostly come here for the rabbits… he licked his mouth, Dahlia really did have the best rabbits. I don‘t really care for grapes, but they smell good and the tall grass here is nice to relax in. he smiled. So, what do you think about the meeting an all? I still think the whole war thing is a bit surreal…


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