Shattered Coast

Halfway into the cave entrance Des stopped, a shrieking sound had filled the space around him. His ears flickered, someone, not far from him, had called out to the ocean. The dark male thought for a couple of seconds; should he continue his journey exploring the possibly dangerous sea caves, or should he seek out the owner of call? This time, the midnight-blue male chose the latter.

With light feet, he jumped the rocks back to the sharp black cliffs, he stopped again to smell the air. Beside the salty scent of the ocean, he cold sense a faint scent of someone else. But he couldn’t determine whether it was male or female, young or old. The wind wasn’t blowing in his direction, but he still had a faint idea of where the sound had come from.

Desaevio followed his instincts, just as he had always done. Sometimes they led him into safety, sometimes the little voice in his head was at the steering wheels leading his guts in to danger. He wondered what it would turn out to be this time.

He found the other, and as he first had thought, he didn’t have to walk far. The other male looked a bit upset, Des kept his distance, the other could be dangerous. Are you alright? he asked in a concerned manner.


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