Bring Me the Horizon [aw]

Was looking for some open plots. ^^

Word Count → 438

Anya had been out hunting that day. She was a hardworking young mother and was often much successful with providing for both her son and her pack. Earlier that morning, she had stalked down a deer, far in the woods, nicely secluded. She hadn't quite finished the entire meal herself and so decided to come back to it later. That is, if the scavengers hadn't already finished it off. The day was now coming to an end, the sun was setting and with the evening approaching, she would have to return to her own territory, in the caves along the mountains.

As she reached closer to her prized possession, she caught the scent of two unfamiliar canines. She crept between the shadows of the tall trees, keeping her appearance well unnoticed until she found out who the strangers were. She had learned from experience, to never casually walk up to a couple rogue animals.These lands were neutral territory and as such, there is little protection and much unknown. She could smell fresh blood in the air as well, all the more reason to keep her distance.

Peering from the darkness, behind a tree, she saw a darker colored wolfdog who was battered and bruised alongside another dog, who seemed quite fearful at the moment, but also much concerned.She hadn't a doubt that he would get all the help he would need from the doted, caring canine standing before him. However, she just couldn't hold back her curiosity and wanted to be informed of the situation, at the very least. She had her own pack to protect. Anya figured he must of been a troublemaker or simply a lone wolf out to prove himself. Whatever the case, he needed help and being a kind, loving mother, she was beginning to form a soft spot for him.

Walking up to this anonymous male, she paused for a brief moment to observe the open wounds and gashes covering him. "Just what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into.."

She laughed softly. With her calm and relaxed demeanor, she lay on the soft, leaf covered ground. Turning to the smaller female dog, quietly watching her prepare to bandage him. She couldn't imagine the pain he must of been going through. "If he intends on surviving through the night, it would be best to find him shelter. He's covered in bloodshed and that will attract more wolves. He needs protection."

She had spent several years getting to know this area, being a lone wolf herself for some time. These woods were dangerous come nightfall.

Anya Valeska

Image courtesy of fras@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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