House Warming
The golden dream, the female who had haunted him the past few days, the scent of her, and her wild eyes burned into his brain. Once he had come across the scent of his obsession and the physical reaction was instant, his burning veins pumped those impulsive hormones through his body and he had been unable to control himself then. Saluce was totally and utterly lost in a sea of loss, wondering why the dreamer had left him. It must have been why he had come back to Ichika, the one reason he'd ever come back because if he let himself think rationally, he'd never rejoin as a point of stubborn pride. But for a female, he was an idiot, even if love was an admirable pursuit, even one that could calm the behemoth, sooth the warrior in him to a point where he could find the happiness he had so longed for, he'd was just as predictable as any other prideful male, easily conquered but the heart.

The lumbering giant was scoping out the lands he had once came across so many months ago, the views where breath taking and the mountains provided him the solitude he required at times. It was here he found himself, unable to go down into civilization to meet those whom he felt the most for. Stubborn pride again dictated his social awkwardness around those whom he cared the most for. Those who he felt a sense of fatherly pride for, even if he hadn't been there for all of them as much as he should have.

His form took long strides along the mountain trail, slowly making his way down and to the north, his bearings where off, not remembering exactly where he'd find Saul and the rest of the former Dahlians. He traveled light, his horse and armor having already been tucked away in a cove for now, knowing his war horse wouldn't travel very far from where he left him. Eventually he'd probably have to take him to the stables where he'd most likely meet with a lot of resistance from him. Taming that beast would probably be a more imposing problem than taming Saluce.

The behemoth's nose was at work, taking in the mountain scents as he descended before a peculiar scent imbedded itself into his nose. The she wolf, the dreamer who had no name, was he hallucinating now? Another deep inhale and he could feel his body becoming electric, the primal male oozing out of him, lips opening as he huffed, tongue unfurling before panting in an unapologetic fashion. His form slumped to the ground, no transformation took hold but he needed to be near the earth, nose sniffing finding her scent drenched across every rock, spec of dirt, brown grass or tree around him. Was he going mad? Had he contracted the rabies? Was he going to DE-evolve into some foaming at the mouth monster bent on spreading the disease? Or was this just crazy talk. His she wolf was here and he had to find her that much was sure.

Saluce grew frantic, his body standing and running around trying to get a location for the hidden female before his nose lead him to a small opening on the side of a hill. He had become some odd panting behemoth then, eying the hole, ears hearing the soft breathes of someone inside. Could it be so easy? Or could his mind just be playing tricks on him?

“Bonjour, anyone home?” he breathed out, having to be sure he was going mad, better to know it than to go through life thinking your the only sane one.

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