House Warming
As soon as her form fell onto his, his massive arms wrapped around her female splendor, pulling her into him, while rubbing his nose along her head. Why did he act this way already, throwing all caution to the wind to just be so okay with being tied to someone after one meeting. His more basic nature taking over, they had already unknowingly made their connection whether or not they consented to it, he was stuck with her now, and he somehow didn't really care.

Her whine elicited a soft reassuring rumbling from his chest, his protective nature taking over. Wanting to make sure she knew she was safe. Her scent tickled his nose like pepper. But all to soon her voice filled his ears and her questions once again brought a more conscious part of him out. The she wolf wanted to know what to call him, in a round about way at least. Why couldn't they just go on the way they had, no names just their scents, but as with all things he guessed it would make things harder if they prolonged telling each other their names.

“No direct translation for fool to french, but Shadow translates to Ompre” he pronounced it for her as it should be pronounced. “But if you wish to have a name to call me by, It is simply Saluce.”

He pulled back then letting his eyes look down upon her goddess like form, leaning down to lick her nose gently, “and what might I call you? I'm not sure I could go around referring to you as the Golden She Wolf”

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