The course of true love never did run smooth.


Just when she thought she couldn't take the waiting any more a shadow caught her vision. It was like trying to differentiate smoke from storm clouds, but when she focused on the spot that drew her attention and narrowed her eyes she was sure the movement was a wolf. Her heart tripped, skipping a beat and then pounding double-time to make up for the error. The silhouette cleared the space between them with quick, long strides, and soon any doubt that this could be Zalen was banished from her mind when the wolf sang out a soft greeting howl. She knew that voice well, and forever would remember it since the night she had first heard him sing amidst the rocks of Halcyon.

“Zalen!” she cried in near ecstasy. As soon as she knew it was him she abandoned her vigil and helped close in the gap between them. Neither of them slowed down a fraction of an inch even when they were nearly nose to nose, and they clashed a moment later, Zalen sending Titania toppling over backwards with a joyful laugh. “You made it!” She cried gleefully as she planted several quick, loving laps on his nose and nuzzled his neck. Something whipped at their hind legs – it was her overactive tail as it lashed back and forth in delight.

“What took you so long?” she joked as she pawed at his muzzle. They both knew that he wasn't late, she had just been over eager to see him again. Never had the thought crossed her mind that he would have stood her up, too young and naïve to believe such things, but out there in the wild and away from her many things could happen.

She wanted to yip and howl her happiness but she couldn't make too much noise. It was unlikely that someone would happen by and discover them... then again, she was an adult now and could rightfully escort Zalen into Cercatori d'Arte without violating pack law, but she still didn't want her mother or father to find out he was here yet. They didn't understand her at all and Titania didn't want this moment ruined by their skepticism.

Image courtesy of mourner@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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