You can’t do this!

Word Count → 210 :: OOC: the quiet mediator Tongue

Shawchert did follow his daughter, but at a leisurely pace, he wasn’t in a hurry to make arguments with the leader; no, he just wanted to make sure Skye understood what was going on with the girl and why he did what he did. He moved through the forest into thornbury. By the time he got to Skye’s his daughter had knocked and Skye had opened. He had not heard any of the conversation that had gone on thus far, but he was sure to apologize to the woman for pulling her into such petty drama. For now though he would remain quiet and listen to what Titania had to tell Skye. He knew he may have over reacted a little, but how could he not when she was gone for over a weeks time and Orin was at his house every day worrying, and he had started worrying too after the the third day! He felt justified in what he’d done; but he was sure Skye might see it another way so he would just sit and wait to see what happened. He stood behind Titania, making his presence quite known. He wasn’t going to hide and sulk in bushes trying to figure out what was going on, he didn’t need to.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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