i took a bullet and i looked inside

Like a body floating up from the depths of the sea, Bleach slowly drifted towards consciousness. Grumbling, she rolled over onto her side in hopes of sinking back into her dream.
It started out as a pleasant one, very reminiscent of her childhood in Magadan, with snow and ice everywhere. The sky was impossibly clear and blue, but the air was crisp. She was running along the frozen shore, on four legs, with two dark wolves whose faces she couldn't make out, though she knew them to be her father and brother. She was confused about the latter, even though she knew she was dreaming; her brother had left just before he completed his first year of life, but this wolf in her dream was an adult. In her dream, Bleach tried to approach and speak with him, but he ran away from her and closer to her father every time. As she began to grow frustrated, the dream changed.
She was no longer running with her dark relatives, but a pair of pallid women she could only take to be her mother and the witch. This startled her, for she hadn't seen her mother since she was a child and could barely recall her face when she was conscious, yet every detail of it was clear to her. Shocking blue eyes gazed out of a narrow face which closely resembled Bleach's own. The pair, instead of running ahead, fell back and ran on either side of her. As her mother opened her mouth to speak, the dream faded into darkness.
Now, as the sunflowers loomed over her in the still night, it was clear that sleep would not return to her and the dream would fade until it was eventually forgotten. Sighing, the pale woman stood and shook herself off. With the darkness, the multitude of birdsong had given way to the faint roar of waves upon the shore of Drifter Bay. Bleach wandered toward the familiar sound, hands brushing against the tall flowers surrounding her. With her mind still half asleep and straining to remember her strange dream, the new Shadowed Sun member barely realized the golden figure lying in the flowers before her. When her bright eyes fell upon his form she halted abruptly and swayed dangerously over him, then regained herself and drifted to his side. She observed him haughtily for a moment before speaking. "A person could trip over you, you know," she mumbled, not unkindly.


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