The sky's the limit

WC: 317 OOC: Np at all I remember when i had started, it was a pain but you'll def get use to the routine ^^ i hope at least

Shaw could see the utter shock in the wolf’s eyes, and was not entirely confused, but not exactly accurate in what the man was thinking. Shaw knew that it was strange to see other animals as companions, much less ones that could actually speak, though Izzy only knew a few words, and seemed she would only be able to voice herself with some difficulties. Shaw tilted his head as the other spoke a single word and the lifted his head as he remembered the young ferret’s words.

“Oh do not mind her, she is young yet, and she thinks wolves are her family. I’m Shawchert Menue, i’m from the pack Cercatori d’ Arte. This is Izzy, Isabella, I’m her caretaker.”

Shawchert introduced then looked at the male who had stepped back; possibly thinking he was probably sleeping or something. He seemed more wild than normal and Shawchert could certainly smell that he was not of a canine with the viral whatever it was in him. So he could not shift. He was a true blue wild wolf, unlike Shaw, though he hunted and cared for his pack, he also made himself a shelter and lived indoors rather than staking out a den or having to live out his life in rain, snow, sleet, sun, or whatever weather the earth decided to dump on him. Shawchert wasn’t too sure how to react to this man. he seemed younger than himself and inexperienced and yet experienced; a thought that was just plain confusing. Izzy stayed up on shaw’s shoulder yet she reached out to sniff at the man, her little pink and black nose twitching away, trying to figure him out. It was a strange sight, shaw did have to admit, but he cared for the ferret, and she helped him hunt, by flushing animals out for him to take down from another side.

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