I can't do this all myself.

606 - lol IR ramble, sorreh

Why this interest in Asphyxia? She wanted to growl every time the name was heard. Of what importance was her pitiful life? Still, Cer was her leader, and Mew would reply - if only to keep the respect she had for herself. She was glad Haku had not killed her; if he had, Mew had no chance of getting revenge personally. This way, slowly, it was better. She would haunt her, and she would know that Mew was not dead; a dangerous white wolfess might leap at her throat at any given time. It would be best for her if she stayed within her filthy pack borders. Once, she too had not believed she could feel pleasure at another person's pain, but here it was. Eager pleasure. Pleasure so strong she could not hide it, or restrain it. And then there was that anger... He raped her. This time there was no smirk. And there was no emotion in her voice. She said it in a matter-of-fact kind of way, face blank, as if it didn't matter, and these things happened every day. In fact, it didn't matter much. Mew suspected that the only one who really cared was Asphyxia herself. And perhaps Iskata - not that the ivory femme understood what a proud wolfess like her could find of value in a friendship with a half-crazed, drug-dazed coyote bitch. But then again, Mew wasn't Iskata. Perhaps it was the maternal instinct that made her aunt stay at Asphyxia's side, despite what she did to Mew, who was family. Mental shrug, who knew.

She was about to speak again, when she stopped herself to think. Did she believe him? It didn't take long before the conclusion she reached was positive, but then something slurred. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, exactly, but she was worried. Worried about what he might do, worried about the things she had heard that were alarming. They shook the image she had of her baby brother; the proud boy who so carefully had forgotten that she once had won a race - the over-mature, over-proud and sometimes over-egoistic-like person in the chocolate coat. What was she to think of this? Why had Iskata bothered to trouble her mind with the information if she did not think it important? If the incident had been like nothing, then her aunt would surely have ignored it. No, it must have been to quite a degree for her to travel to find Mew and warn her; they had never met before, and it took a bit for a stranger to warn another. But she believed him, how could she not? He did not have any motive to harm them all, and he certainly did not seem to want to harm her, his own sister. But obviously things were not what it seemed when it came to Haku. As she spoke, she held her face open, explaining, and though her words might seem accusing in some ways, or overly proud, she held her body so that the rosea would understand the simplicity of what she said; there were no underlying truths here. I do. He is my baby brother, and I would trust him with anything. But it seems others do not, and some are scared of what he might do, or whether his hostility might shift towards us. So I made him promise, and my brother is not a liar. It was true, he was no liar. There were ways to avoid telling the whole truth though, but Mew did not know whether he was sly enough to use that without conscience hitting him.


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