Broken By War

Word Count → 619 :: could you guys be more specific with the injuries so I know what she's treating(specifically Leon)? Makes it hard to post when I don't know what to post about....

you better beg for mercy
get on your fucking knees and cry me a fucking river

Panda walked in front of the pair, frequently looking back at them to make sure that they were following. She knew that they both were injured but the male was much less injured than the female and should have been able to help her on his own. It was a surprise that they would come all the way here to be healed when Aniwaya was much closer to where the battle had taken place. Were there no healers in the native pack? She lead them through the caverns and into her room, making sure along the way that they did not fall or trip over anything. Have a seat please. she spoke to the two and she pointed at the two stumps that acted like chairs for them. Please, ma'm, do not fall asleep on me. I need your vigilance still. Panda spoke, not knowing either of their names, yet apparently they knew whom she was since she had been howled for. It was strange that they knew her name yet they had never met before. Maybe Naniko told them or something since she was the only healer in Anathema at the time. She didn't really know though. By the time that they got back, Venom was in the den, poking at the fire. Panda looked at Venom and she narrowed her eyes at him. She had been slightly angry with him, but she didn't have the time to pick a fight with him so she just let her aura do the work for her, since she knew that he could see it. In fact, he saw it right off the bat and he bent his ears back and furrowed his brows at the woman before he looked at the other two whom followed her in. He realized they were wounded and he stood up, and he walked into Panda's room to get her supplies that she would ask him to get anyways. He returned with slings, bandages, some alcohol to clean wounds, and some bottled water as well.

Thanks, Venom. she quickly spoke to him before she looked at the two, her tone had been edged by her. She looked at the girl first, since she was the one whom was hurt the most. She had noticed the broken arm, and then the knot on her head, possibly leading to a concussion if the girl was not lucky. She could not sleep for awhile if she did have a concussion. Do you know why you're here ma'm? How you got here, and what happened to lead you to coming here? Panda asked the questions to make sure that she was not confused and that she had memory of what happened so that Panda could rule out the possibility of her having a concussion. While she waited for the answer the girl looked at the broken arm and knew it was broken right off the bat. She went through protocol though and she touched the arm, lifted it and straightened it as much as she could to see where it was broken, and how much control the woman had of it. Your arm is pretty broken, how'd that happen? she asked, ignoring the little bit about the woman telling the male to leave. It wasn't her business whom stayed and whom did not. She got herself a splint and she put the girls arm along it, before wrapping the split to her arm and then bending it to her chest and helping her put the arm in a sling. She then looked to the male, and motioned for him to let go of the woman so that he could be treated.

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image © Nat!


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