backwards marathon
wc 476

The corvus had been lazing about in her room on the ground level of the mansion. She had been really active ever since she had been here, or at least as active as she could be with her injured leg, and it was starting to catch up with her. The female had slept a bit into the day and when she had woken up she just laid there and lost herself in her thoughts. She was thinking about Italy, about her family, about what she had lost. She wondered about her siblings. Meeting the two young brothers had made Savina think of her own brother and sister. It had been so long since she had seen either of them. Ehno had taken off not long after they had reached adulthood. Savina had been so sad. She and Ehno were close and she hated the fact that he was leaving. "I promise we will see each other again." The onyx wolf doubted that would ever happen now. Her sister, Ghita, had disappeared as well after she had lost her first litter. That had almost hurt more, she felt that she had failed as a sister when she couldn't help her with the grief.

Soon, thankfully, the lupine was shaken away from her memories as she heard someone call for her. It was Apollo. She had told the pup that she would help him learn more Italian. Savina hoped that she wouldn't be a complete failure in this endeavor. The two-year-old had never taught anyone a language before. She had been trying to remember how the elder of her old pack had taught her English. Bits and pieces were coming to her, but she was still trying to think of things. She hoped that the anxious pup wouldn't get frustrated with her lack of experience in teaching. Slowly the female got up and gave a big stretch. Her mouth opened wide in a yawn, showing her ivory white fangs. With that she left the mansion to go find Apollo.

He had said that he was by the fence, so it didn't take the jet-black female to find her little student. Savina smiled as she padded up to him, her tail gently wagging behind her. "Apollo di pomeriggio buono. Spero che lei è bene oggi." She came and sat down beside the light-colored pup. After the initial greeting she slipped back into her Italian-soaked English. "So, I wondered if you might be able to tell me about how much you know so I can have a better idea of where we should start. Also this will be a bit of a learning process for me as well. I've never taught anyone language before, but I will do the best that I can" She really hoped that her little friend would bear with her as they worked through this process.


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