[M] Life, Pain...Same Thing?
She knew he meant what he said and she flimched. Love was a strong word when he didn't know her condition. She took the plate from him and kept quiet. She couldn't love him yet. She ate the rather tasty deer meat in silence,her heart too heavy for words. How could she tell him? Why did her heart beg for him to understand? He was so... kind and lovable and she put her food down before leaning him back and kissing him with a passion she though she had lost to Saxif. She rubbed her cheek against his, rubbed herself against him. She wanted his scent on her, wanted to be claimed by him, loved by him."Aleo...... I have a split personality. She protects me. She knows I am too weak right now to be alone. Sarian....she is healing my heart but its not the same to how you make me feel. I don't feel so lonely with you around. I don't feel as empty..." she whispered as she nibbled his neck and nipped at his ear. Her hands trailed over his chest and down his sides, feeling his muscles ripple under her. Why couldn't she have him? She lay next to him, curled against his left side, a small shiver running though her.

Her fur was still too thin and she was still really sickly looking. She yawned softly before standing and shifting, her bones rearranging into her secui form. She was small and she went back to her spot, her head resting just below his bandaged chest. Being with him brought her calm and she started to get drowsy. She hadn't slept in days, her nightmares and Sarian keeping her awake. She watched his face, memorized it. He might be her future mate. He might love her... she blinked slowly before another yawn took her and she fell asleep to his heart beat.

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