Shadows Can't Hide In The Dark

The woman had appeared with a sleeping bundle, he automatically knew that it was Sarian. She kissed her lightly on the nose and smiled, gently touched her cheek. He turned his head down to see the small sleeper. "Ah, it's the little one. How's she?" His words were soft and full of wonder. The tiny grey form wriggles sleepily when Shiloh passed Sarian to him. His large hands gently took the pup, careful not to harm the tiny thing. Sarian was getting big, not as small as she was when he had first seen her. "Hi there..." He used his free hand and touched the tip of the pup's nose. The feeling he had was wonderful, he felt like a new father holding his firstborn, he nearly cried and laughed at the same time. He looked at Shiloh, immense feeling and love in his eyes. Sarian opened her teal eyes and looked at Aleo wondrously. "Can she speak?" He held the bundle close, enjoying every moment of the feeling he had. Very carefully he passed Sarian back to her mother, feeling overwhelmed in happiness. His tail was wagging happily and his smile was so genuine. Aleo had lain a dark hand on her shoulder and looked at Sarian over her shoulder, the ecstatic feeling I've fatherly joy consuming him. Now Shikih had never said he had the role as dad yet, but he already had that feeling as if he was. Aleo opened his bag quickly and took out the cloak lined with rabbit fur an the tug-of-war rope for Sarian. He had dyed the strands braided into the rope a variety of bright colors, hoping that Sarian would love it. He wrapped the cloak around Shiloh's shoulders and pressed his nose to hers.

"I made those for you guys. I hope you like them." He smiled and tickled Sarian's belly, grinning as he did so. Seeing them both was the highlight of his day, to see them both so happy and healthy. In that blissful moment, the male closed his eyes. It was all to much good to take in. This was true happiness. He looked into Shiloh's lime eyes and he knew that if he could live over and over and repeat time, he would stay right were he stood. He gave them both a big hug, a small happy tear came from one of his eyes. He ran a finger down Shiloh's cheek. Unable to speak when he was so happy. [/html]

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