It is best to prepare

wee there we go c:

The library catalog was well on its way and Silvano felt that he had made enough progress along with the fiction titles to take a break from scribbling away at the rare journal he had managed to find under a pile of debris. There was already two pages with neat writing that dictated book name, title, and shelf it was to be held. The lines were small and there were a good twenty books a page, give or take. Next to the neat book, was a pile of homemade parchment with lots and lots of scribbles and cross outs. Those were the drafts, where the man tried to write as neatly as he could, or at least get the spelling right.

But Silvano wanted a break. So he took the second journal he found and grabbed another long charcoal stick. Somehow, his break would hardly be a break at all, with all the thoughts raging in his head. The weather was turning, and the man started to worry about their supply of meat. If they didn't have enough, everyone would have to deal with less meat. They would be weaker and that did not sit well with the Sadira.

He grabbed a candle from the library's stash, and lit it with some flint and steal. It gave off a warm, golden glow as he approached the cellar door, which he found to be open, he then heard a cry. It was familiar. He then heard a loud thump, and the man felt panic well up. Taking the stairs two at a time, he made it to the bottom and saw, in the light, that someone had fallen. Instantly, Silvano noticed it was his sister's lover. "Mati? Are you alright?" he cried, worried as he came to her.

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