the beat of a drum

Word Count → 408.

The man approached him, sticking the spear into the ground and then, knelt before him. Wolfgang, though surprised, did not express this emotion. His mind wondered what he might be doing so close, or if he would be calmed or hostile. The glaring look of before, however, seemed to be replaced by another emotion as Wolf noted. It was rare to find someone who expressed these emotions, so studied them, staring with keen ears as he introduced himself as Aemon de le Poer. Of course, the name was utterly unfamiliar to the injured man. “It is nice to meet you, Aemon de le Poer,” he breathed in sharply and for once, could not contain the hiss of pain that followed after. Pausing, he made a noise as if clearing his throat. “If I could gain your assistance, it would be much appreciated.” He murmured, his voice beginning to become hoarse.

After his reply and a heavy sigh from Aemon, the coywolf sent out a call, for what he assumed was for the rest of Inferni to hear. At the sound, he was tempted to twitch his ear, but instead, he merely stared as if trying to remember the sound of his possible savior’s voice. His lips were now contently closed and instead, he breathed rapid breathes through his dark nose. He didn’t wish to look any less like a nobleman in front of the pale man than he already has, or for that matter, the leader of inferni that just may come to investigate their member’s call. His hand dropped from his bloodied shoulder just as the man began to speak and question whether he could make use of his legs at all. His eyes first drew downwards at his legs stretched out and then, to the side from underneath his black fringe. Nearby was broken tree branch, or that is what it looked like through his blurred eyes.

“Perhaps with some support,” he replied, motioning his head towards the broken branch in hope that it may have been a smart idea. Wolfgang did not think of the other man leaning his shoulder or helping the man up in the least bit. No, for it was something uncalled for within the home he had grown up in. His eyes then, trailed back to the area the coywolf had previously gestured at, and squinted them in hope of seeing something more. But all he saw were trees and trails.

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