backwards marathon

Apollo turned away from the fence to stare up at the large mansion. He couldn’t be sure if that’s where Savina was, but he watched it all the same. It loomed so large and grand out here in the middle of the lush wilderness. He really admired the building, and Twilight Vale in general. He couldn’t see why Sirius would want to leave. Even if he didn’t like being trapped in the room. Twilight Vale was their home. At least, that was how Apollo felt.

He sat down on his bottom, his short puppy legs falling to his sides. He couldn’t wait until he was older and could shift like all of the adults. Four legs got boring after a while. As the grass blew in the wind, Apollo looked up to discover Savina coming down towards him. The white picket fence loomed behind him. "Ciao Savina. Sì, sono buono." He knew very basic Italian (possibly more than Sirius, he wasn’t sure), but he could figure out the gist of what others were saying. The other day when he had discovered Sirius with Savina, he hadn’t understood exactly what Savina had said to him. Either way, he had a general sense of what she meant. Hopefully after a few lessons he would really be able to catch on.

"Well, I dunno. I mean, I can say some things, but not everything. Naniko only taught us easy things ‘cause she was also doing other languages too, like French. But I don’t really like French that much. She taught us the alphabet and how to say all the letters. And then she taught us words like ‘hello’." He wasn’t explaining the extent to what she had taught them very well, but he was only a child. After they got into the lesson, Savina would probably figure out what needed work, and what didn’t.


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