Pouring Leaves

Word Count → 232 :: OOC: is all good, ^^

Shawchert shook his head when she spoke. He was doing his duty, disturbing was the least she was doing. In his mind she was making his day slightly more exciting, but his words countered his thoughts a bit. He didn’t need to say such things to a total stranger.

“No; I was on patrol, it’s my duty to see to those who are at the border. You have met someone here? Who? What skills do you need improving on?”

He asked; interested in who this woman had met and what she meant by improving her skills. He didn’t know if he met anyone from Anathema before, he had heard of the place, but he couldn’t recall anyone coming around that had been from there. He wondered what it was like; how the wolves acted, if they were anything like Inferni, which Shaw had visited once and was nearly beaten out. For now though his questions he had asked would suffice until they were answered. He wasn’t going to give the woman too much information about his pack, nor did he feel the need to give her a tour of the place, it would be like showing someone exactly where everyone lived and what their routines were. It wasn’t something he was willing to risk upon his pack mates. He had been dumb enough once but never again.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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