It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
So Bailey's Irish Creme crushed with ice is amazing. This PSA was brought to you by Erin's Irish Heritage XD
wc 450

The jet-black female with the green eyes softly smiled as she heard her friend talk about her mate. She could hear how much she loved them in her voice, and it broke Savina's heart that they had lost their first litter. The wolf was certain about the quality of the parents they would be, and she was blessed to have been accepted into a pack with such great leaders. She could also sense Naniko's mood was improving. Thank the heavens! she thought. The Corvus still couldn't imagine the pain that her Andromeda was going through, but she was relieved to feel her spirits begin to rise.

As Naniko embraced her, Savina used her neck and head to give the lady a hug back. It made the two-year-old feel warm inside to have been able to help her friend. "I'm glad you will let me stay with you. And thank you, but I know you would do the same for me. It's what friends are for." She beamed at the ivory female, her own heart already lighter for their talk. "Of course it was too much. Losing your puppies is a very hard thing. You reacted as well as anyone can be expected to Naniko." Savina put her paw on her friend's shoulder. "And of course you can have more pups. You will be a wonderful mother, and I'm sure Conri will be a great father. And the rest of the pack will be there to love them and protect them as well. You're right, you don't have to forget about them, but I know they would want you to continue living and being the happy person that you are." Savina truly was amazed at how strong Naniko was. There are many wolves who would not have the outlook that she did at this point, who wouldn't be able to take it, but she was.

"My sister's name was Ghita. We would argue and fight at times, but we would always work things out. She always wanted to be the center of attention, and always had an eye for the males." Savina chuckled to herself, thinking of how flirty Ghita had been. "I was pretty much the opposite. But that was just her nature, and in time I came to accept that. I was actually closer to my brother Ehno, but he left before Ghita disappeared. I understood why he left, sometimes I wanted to leave too, but I couldn't leave mother. She was such a great wolf, my mom." Her green eyes looked back out across the lake. She hadn't spoken about her mother to anyone since the accident. The ebony wolf was already feeling the emotion washing over her.


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