a little more country than that...
Dixie-May Jackson

how 'bout them cowgirls

Word Count → +3 :: sorry for the wait. i'm back in texas and we are having net problems. :/ i'll be here for a week. the net will be up and down. >.<

Dixie snorted lightly at Wayne’s lame joke and grinned when he spurred Fern into motion, pulling ahead of her and Duke. The stallion threw his head in excitement and jumped into action without having to be told to do so. Hoof beats pounded out in a steady rhythm as the smaller duo caught up to the other, pulling up alongside and them drawing ahead a tiny bit. Dixie threw her arm out to the side to indicate a change in direction and then pressed her left leg against Duke’s side. The horse immediately shifted his body to the side and began running to the right, leading Fern along.

After a few hundred more yards of loping, the white female uttered a soft ‘whoa’ and her horse slowed to a stop. ”The trails are up ahead a bit, I think we should leave Duke and Fern back here and get along on foot.” It would be so much easier to stalk game without the horses tagging along. They spooked easily and wouldn’t be able to get into the more forested areas where hogs and smaller animals could. Without any input from her male companion, she dropped to the ground and tied the cloak around her even tighter so it wouldn’t flap around in the cold breeze. The knives on her thighs were still easily accessible.

If Wayne shifted into Secui form, he would be bigger and stronger and more able to fight with a hog. His mixed lineage of wolf and Labrador often enabled him to be in colder weather as well, because his multi-layered fur was so thick and dense. Dixie was a mix breed of cold weather canines, and while her fur was thick and dense as well, she was too small to handle the sharp drop in temperature without something to help keep the body heat retained. Stretching, she took a deep breath and pet Duke’s nose before giving him a gentle swat on the flank, his signal to go graze. Turning away from the equine, she started walking towards the trails, excited to be doing this for the pack.

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