Vagabond, traveler from afar

"I was thinking about many things...most of which wouldn't be easily expressed. It is enough to say that the road behind me is a long one, and has left me much to think about. As for this wound of mine, it is old enough that it can heal on its own. I thank you for your kindness, but I will be fine." Asmodai spoke with unconcerned confidence, in a relaxed tone that veiled the true character of the dominant part of his spirit. Artful and symbolic, yes, those elements did reside within his mind also, but something else lay in wait behind those half-lidded eyes, though it would not emerge this day.

"It is only a bite wound, a meaningless souvenir of a pointless misunderstanding. The wolf who did it was not rabid, so I am fine. How is it that your leg became hurt, if it isn't too forward to ask?" He did not put any force behind his words, the inflection of his voice would have suggested that he was discussing the weather or some equally mundane subject. He was not worried, and his confidence was so casual, so automatic, as to brook no argument on the matter. He knew the situation, and had it well under control.


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