It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
I needed to know :ooo!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Big Grin

Naniko was used to not having a whole lot of blood-related family around. Her entire family had moved away when she had been really young, barely old enough to be out of the den on her own. She did remember them a little bit, and she'd seen her father a few months later...but ever since then she hadn't seen or heard anything about them. Her younger sister Selene had come to stay in Storm for a while, and Naniko had been able to visit her a few times, but it had been pretty weird. They hadn't even felt like siblings.

"Pilot and I were talking about Sirius and Apollo the other day...they don't really get along, either. I guess it's natural, but...well, they've both gone through a lot, with losing their mother before they even really got to know her..I'm glad that Sirius can be happy living with his father. He always seemed really sad." She did care about both boys a lot, and had tried to teach them the important things in life. "You should tell me more about your mother. I grew up with an I don't know what it's like to have a real one with me. Iskata was a pretty good mom, though, before she left. Yours was really good too?"


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