The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 318 :: OOC: Well now, sorry for ramble at the end, and uh YAY this should be interesting.

Shawchert was on patrol, a usual thing for the large male, that was when he heard the call, it sounded paniced, and scared. He was a bit away from where the woman was calling, and howling but Shawchert moved as fast as he could. Who was Cain? Had he been hurt? Had she been seperated from a companion? He knew it was not hard to get lost in this forest, and without knowing where you’ve been it would be neaer impossible to find one’s way through the forest. Shawchert slowed as he neared the border tree where the woman was calling. He could see her, as she didn’t seem to be turning her head, or moving anything other than her ears. She wasn’t looking for anyone though she was calling their name out. To Shawchert this behavior was odd, he’d be running around tryingto find the scent of the person he’d lost, but he was sure things could come together eventually.

“Excuse me, miss, did you lose someone?”

Shawchert asked, his deep voice showing concern for the woman, it was sincere as he had not seen anyone look so lost before. He hoped he could help her, maybe figure out which way her companion went, he was good at tracking, and was sure that they could catch up to her companion soon enough, but first he wanted to know her situation, why she seemed so lost at the border of his home.

“I don’t believe anyone has come into our borders. You are at the borders of Cercatori d’ Arte, but if there’s anything I can do to help I would be glad to.”

Shawchert said reassuringly, he hoped he could help her, he wasn’t sure how, seeing as if she couldn’t find the companion she had been following, how he would be able to help her find him.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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