It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
wc 730

"Ah yes, the two brothers." She said in her Italian accent. "I met both of them the other day. Yes, I noticed that they do have to seem their problems with each other. I did manage to get them to play a game with me, hide and seek. I think it took their minds off their arguing, for a little while at least." Savina smiled thinking about the two pups. It had been great to be around pups again. Listening to their problems, trying to give them advice, playing games with them. It was as much fun for her as it was for them. "I know we all wish that siblings would get along, but unfortunately sometimes they're just too different. I know that Apollo feels like Sirius was a traitor leaving here, and Sirius doesn't understand why Apollo doesn't want to live with their dad. I tried to explain to them that as they grow older they might split apart, and some wolves want to stay with their parents while others don't. Whether or not they understood or it helped any only time will tell." The Corvus hoped she had helped the pups a little, she was concerned about the anger they seemed to hold for one another.

"Yes...she was really good." Savina paused for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts and trying to keep herself together. She hadn't talked to anyone about her mother since she died. She hardly knew where to start. The female would become emotional, there was no helping it. It still haunted her, the accident. She also wondered if there was something she could've done, something to have prevented what happened. In her head she knew that it was no one's fault, that there wasn't anything anyone could have done. It was just a freak accident. Yet still she wondered. Well, when mom had us, my sister, brother and I, she and Serge, my father though one can barely call him that, they weren't mates. And when she had us he disowned all of us. It was really hard for her, harder than I can imagine, because she really loved him. She raised us all by herself. Of course the pack helped, but she did more than all of them combined. She didn't even tell us that Serge was actually our father until we began asking questions about it. She didn't want to hurt us, but she didn't want to lie to us either. Even after that she never really let it show how much pain she was in with how he had treated her. All that mattered to her was us, and making sure that we had a good life and had everything we needed." Savina was still amazed with her mother. To have the strength to be such a great mom when the wolf she loved had disowned her and their children, and yet still live in the same pack as him.

Once we were grown up, my brother Ehno decided to go out on his own. He hated being around Serge, and he never had any males to look up to. We all understood why he wanted to leave, but it still hurt when he left. We were a very tight-knit little family, and to lose one was a great loss. Mother, Ghita, and I kept on and it was good. Then Ghita found a mate and got pregnant. Mother was so excited, so happy that her daughter was going to have what had been denied to her. But then the miscarriage happened and Ghita disappeared. It tore my mother up. After that all we had were each other. We were still happy and living a good life until a couple of months ago. We were walking around the woods one day and...I still don't understand how it neither of us smelled the bear..." There it was, replaying in her mind all over again. If the ordeal on the ship had been horrible, this had been one hundred times worse. She could feel her body begin to shake involuntarily. "It attacked me first, but mom...she provoked it towards her...she was running near the side of a cliff, the weight of them both must have been too much and..." The ebony female collapsed, tears running down her face, her eyes shut tight. "I never...I never even got to say goodbye..."


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