The course of true love never did run smooth.


She was elated when he began to move with her, coming willingly along toward the north to hunt. All the while she trotted with her tail and head held high like an Alpha wolf might, her ears pert and alert. He made her feel so alive, so strong even though she was but a small wolfess. She didn't even realize what his presence did to her fully, her posture purely out of instinct rather than defiance to her pack.

They were like thieves in the night, stealing along the d'Arte landscape with expert precision. Titania led just a step ahead and Zalen followed her, but it was more like he moved in time with her body, like he knew what she was going to do and where she was going to turn each moment just before she did it. From time to time her yellow eyes would turn to him, lit up brilliantly in the moonlight, and she would afford him a grin, and if she could get close enough, a loving nuzzle.

They were at Flander's Field sooner than she thought – time passed so quickly when she was with him. The last week had felt like it was a drawn out nightmare, but now that they were together there was no more angst, no more pain, and time and the world moved for them.

Instinctively, Titania crouched at the edge of the brush, her body half shrouded by the trees. Her head and tail dropped in that threatening posture of a wolf hunting – one of the most valuable moves for a pack wolf. One stalked the prey in plain sight, frightening and herding them toward the place where the other lay in wait. This was most surely the plan tonight.

She glanced at Zalen and instantly knew who would take which post. It was only obvious – they were the perfect pair. With his strength and sleek, dark body, he would be able to hide in the shadows and wait. She, with her swift speed and bright coloration, could pop out into the moonlight and chase the prey, running them out of energy and leading them right into Zalen's open jaws.

As soon as he was in position she dropped to her belly and inched out into the clearing. Puffs of white littered the plain and it was difficult to choose which one to go after. In fact, so young and never having a successful rabbit hunt, Titania did not know which to hone in on. Her eyes darted from one to the other, but a decision she could not make... until... There, just off in the distance, she sensed him. She barely saw his silhouette and only because she knew to look. She made a single, gentle nod as she took his cue, picking their prey from the fold. On silent paws she advanced forward, and once she was close enough she raised herself up so the other creatures would see her in that wolfish tactic.

The rabbits closes to her scattered, bounding towards their burrows and disappearing into the night. Some alarmed others and caused more of the warren to flee. She dropped her head and let her jaw fall slack, showing her pearly teeth. There was only a slight hesitation before she stole forward towards the snowy hare...

It dodged left and she was just a moment behind, her paws drumming on the ground and cutting it off. The creature leaped right and her jaws snapped at its tail, frightening it back the other way. This went on for a moment, the silvery girl chasing her prey across the field in the moonlight. Finally they closed in on the other end of the field, the place rich with foliage where the animal could hide. Titania kept up the sprint but quickly grew tired, a length spanning quickly between her and the much quicker hare...

Image courtesy of mourner@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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