a little more country than that...
Dixie-May Jackson

how 'bout them cowgirls

Word Count → +3 :: die pig die! XD

Finding the hogs would be relatively easy once the trail was pegged down. They were huge and clumsy animals, knocking plants down and marking everything they passed. The smell that radiated from their huge bodies was strong and usually pretty gross, sticking to the leaves and bark of trees and bushes, marking their path clearly. It took about ten minutes after dismounting the horses to find the right trail and start following in the path in what seemed to be a family of hogs. Dixie reached into the cloak and slipped the large knives from their sheaths on her thighs. They were Wayne’s knives. Her own were smaller and better fitted to her size, but wouldn’t do enough damage to a pig of any kind. Larger blades were needed, and she’d been practicing with the big knives in private when her companion was working by himself.

She peeked over at him and grinned, waving the knives a tiny bit to see if he would recognize the well used, older blades and handles. Crouching down a bit, she moved forward on her knees until she could part some bushes and look through to a small clearing where snorts and grunts were coming from. There they were. Three larger pigs and a group of piglets were scampering around, nosing the dirt for roots and other things to eat. None of the larger ones looked to be boars, which was both good and disappointing. A boar would be about two hundred pounds heavier than a sow, but a lot harder to kill. Perhaps when they had another hunter or two going after a boar would be feasible.

Turning her head, she lowered her muzzle to Wayne’s head and nuzzled his ear gently. ”The smaller sow to the right, she’s got the healin’ scars on her back. Easier to take down.” The wounds on her thick flesh looked to be made from other canines, or maybe even a big cat, like the one that had attacked Duke a while back. She would be slower than the others, possibly even unable to run at all without causing a lot of pain. Dixie sucked in a deep breath and then let out a loud, snarling bark, trying to make herself sound like a vicious critter. The sows squealed and scrambled, piglets taking off with their mothers. Scars, as Dixie had taken to calling her, tried to run, but stumbled and couldn’t go very far.

”Let’s get ‘er.” The small woman jumped out and stalked closer to the sow, growling when the big hog turned and lowered her head threateningly. Hopefully Wayne would be able to incapacitate the thing so she could get in and slash the throat or legs. For the moment, Dixie was a distraction, making sure the pig’s attention wasn’t focused on her big male friend.

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