[M] Tares above my kingdom come



Alaki growled, the rough, sensual noise infiltrating Tedros’ ears. His hips thrust slightly, a natural habit from the primal desire. He let his hand fall away as the dark-toned wolf began removing his jeans. The action seemed like it took so long; and yet, it happened so quickly. By the end, Tedros felt his hand tugging on the bottom of the hem, not being able to resist the urge to see the entire shape of the male’s body.

Once the pants were strewn out of the way, Tedros’ red eyes went directly towards Alaki’s growing bulge. But his eyes caught hold of something else – a dagger – strapped around his thigh. For a moment the coyote wondered why this wolf was carrying two weapons. Was his life in danger? Was he going to put someone else’s life in danger? Or was this just the norm? But in a flash, the luperci was on top of him, straddling him and pushing him up against the tree. That was certainly enough to chase off any non-sexual thoughts from his mind.

Alaki’s big hands rest upon his chest and Tedros’ hips bucked slightly again. The sexual tension between the two was reaching an all-time high, and the old red coyote wanted nothing more than to be part of the wolf. The seductive question sent him over the top, and he let out a low, carnal growl in return. “Yes,” he responded, again, this time louder and more needy, showing Alaki how badly he wanted him. Although the other wasn’t putting his full body weight on the (much smaller) coyote, Tedros could still feel the touch of his manhood against his own; the touch of a familiar heat overwhelming all of his senses. One hand mimicked Alaki’s, moving up and down intimately over the wolf’s chest, feeling every inch and crevasse. The other hand went southward, running along the length of Alaki’s hard member. Tedros quivered a little at the touch, groping for more, wanting to feel as much of the other male as he could.

“I want you,” he said without thinking, making eye contact with Alaki’s blue orbs.

(WORD COUNT — 355)

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