Zana was not normally cruel, especially when it came to family relations, seeing how her own family had its own jumble of issues. Today though she was feeling rather feisty and this poor boy was doomed to be taunted and tormented until he fled or she grew bored. Her fangs glittered slightly as she asked. "What's wrong, mother didn't love you enough" She raised a brow as she rolled the blow pipe between fingers. "Or did she love you a little too much.." she asked, a slight tsking sound following as she smiled down at the creature below.

She leaned further down from the pike as she smiled wickedly. "Boy.. if you don't want to find out just what fun I can conjure with my tools and weapons..then I'd run along home to your pack.." She would give him a few darts to remember not to come playing along their lands if need be.. but the creature already seemed pathetic enough.

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