a little more country than that...
Dixie-May Jackson

how 'bout them cowgirls

Word Count → +3 :: lol dead piggy

Wayne was fast and strong, knocking the sow off her feet and to the ground. Dixie was afraid her cloven hooves would gut her companion, so she immediately leapt into action. Getting as close as possible without cutting her friend, she leaned over him and slashed both knives down at the same time. Pig skin was harder than it looked. While the blades sliced into the flesh, it was hard for her to get them very deep. Growling, she tugged them out, sending a spray of blood over Wayne’s coat. The pig squealed and thrashed harder. Snarling in frustration, she dropped to her knees and reached out again, leaning all of her weight on the bigger knife and bringing it down on the sow’s throat.

There was a ‘squish’ sound as it broke through skin and muscle, blood bubbling up and pouring out over her hands and the dirty flesh. It took a few moments to work, but the sow eventually slowed her thrashing and then went still altogether. Dixie fell backwards, panting, and shook her head. Next time we better get us someone bigger…damn it. She was so frustrated about her minute size sometimes. Not being able to do certain things or be productive in some activities was extremely maddening for the girl. Huffing, she grabbed the knife and ripped it from the pig’s throat and walked away.

Once again a soft howl was given and within moments two sets of hoof beats could be heard drawing closer. Duke was smaller and made it further into the woods than Fern, pushing his way through the foliage until he could see Dixie. She grabbed the rope that was draped over his shoulders and took it back to Wayne and the pig, tossing it out over her dead body. Crouching down, she reached out and tied knots around the pig’s legs and head, then went back and looped the rope around Duke’s shoulders and withers. Alright my boy…we can do this. Just a little ways and then big ‘ol Fern can take it from there.

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