Vagabond, traveler from afar
wc 346

The jet-black colored femme nodded as Asmodai talked. "I don't know what injuries are typical either. I imagine we could not have been far from here when it sank, or I doubt that I would've made it here alive." The girl hadn't really let that thought enter her consciousness, but here it came out of nowhere. It had been a very real possibility that she would not make it out of the ocean alive. She had tried to keep those thoughts out of her mind, how close she had come to facing her own mortality in the face. But there it was. However she shook it off as soon as it had come. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate still having her life, but she also didn't think that it was healthy to dwell on the fact.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to provide you many answers for those questions" Savina laughed a bit. "Most of the wolves in Europe have adapted to a more human lifestyle and spend basically all their time in their Optime form. My pack had decided to return to the old ways of living and we almost never shirt out of our natural forms. Sometime I observed the cities from the edge of the wilderness, but that is about all I know about them. Honestly I don't know why they would travel across the water to here when their culture is so different from the one here. Maybe some of them want to reconnect with that life that they've discarded." Savina had never truly understood why the European wolves had decided to live like humans. The femme had been curious about their towns and buildings, but never had wanted to actually live in that way. It was probably partially due to the way she had been raised and lived, but it just seemed unnatural to her for a wolf to live in such a fashion. She didn't necessarily fault them for it, but she was happy to be in a place where they were more akin to her own lifestyle.


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