drift away
Zana sat watching the wolfish woman as she felt herself to being studied too. She was use to being looked up and down when people realized that she was not a child. Her small fluff of tail tapped up and down as she wondered just what this woman wanted. She didn't seem to belong to this pack here but she was a wolf and Zana had been found near the lands. She was slightly suspicious as to how they so happened to meet but she was smart enough to keep her maw shut.

When she was gifted with a name and asked questions she could answer Zana paused a moment before answering. "Ezekiel leads now.. Gabriel stepped down before I returned to the lands.." She picked at the ribbon on her tail as she asked. "What does the leadership of Inferni have to do with you?" She left Kaena out of the equation, wondering if this was just all some sort of interrogation and if she should be finding some sort of excuse for escaping.

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