Burning down bridges..
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat bottom; width: 450px; border: #666666 1px solid;">

Inexcusable waiting time. I'm so sorry.

Hel stiffened slightly. Limit on her trades? It really depended on what Iskata meant. If it meant the harmless little bits and pieces she had taken with her, the beads, the cloth, the clothes, then indeed there were limits. But to say such things about her weapons... Peddling. That's what she called it. Hel tried not to let her face show any emotion, but in her heart outrage screamed and she could imagine herself putting one of her blades through Iskata's side. It wasn't malicious in itself, it wasn't even Hel being sadistic, it was just that she could not understand why it was Iskata's problem what she sold or not. The weapons are not for sale. Ever. They are for my own protection. Her voice caught a steely edge and her eyes flashed dangerously, a warning that the topic would not be taken further. Hel designed her own weapons, yes, and they came at hefty prices. She was here as an innocent merchant. And she certainly would not accept any other view of the matter.

It was when Iskata started her story that she relaxed and listened intently. This was the land where Connor was hiding and she had to try her very best to find him. To kill him. To complete her assignment. Her mind was already analysing the information; coyotes who hated wolves were banding together once more; Iskata had a lot of family in this place; two packs had already vanished and one seemed content to hide; there was overwhelming bitterness against the coyotes. Slowly, Hel began to understand that if Connor was anywhere, it was unlikely he was with Inferni. Nonetheless, she would have to find out. And only Shadowed Sun seemed to have a residence, this base of the mountain. She could imagine her father nodding at her with pride. Hel would have to phrase her next question carefully. Styx was worried about your reaction towards the fire and now I understand why. I am genuinely sorry about what befell your family. But still, do you know what caused this fire?

The question in itself was not overly important. It was more important to find out where Connor was. But first, Hel needed to gain more of Iskata's trust. I offered the necklace to trade, to show my good intentions. It is customary in my country to do so. I offer it to you still, so that you may see that what I carry is solely for protection. I mean no harm in these lands. She inched just a bit closer, the necklace held out and her expression seemingly friendly. So... you are alone now. What will you do? Join your family in Twilight Vale? Or Dahlia de Mai? It was important for her to know this. As far as Hel was concerned, Iskata could be a liability. She had family and they could come after the black wolf and her mate if she annoyed them. No, it was better to tread lightly in these new lands. Until she had support of her own.


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