watch the wild horses

Her advice, while unwanted did contain some pearls of wisdom but they were misplaces for he was not looking to breed the strongest animals merely to keep a few different lines within the flocks. They were to be used for feathers and food and eggs anyway so it wasn't like he was trying to breed them for show. His appetence to get the stables and barns up and running was beginning to consume him as well as his efforts to get the house put together.He was hopeful of being able to get it finished before the pups arrived in a few weeks time. He knew eventually Io would bore of watching him work and take her cat and retire to her cave to cook or talk with Analise so he did not mind her company for now. He would get more done if she were not here but their was no extreme pressing need to get everything done straight away.

"No eating them Andrej. We need every one of them." He turned his white gaze to Io, "I may have to travel to find more livestock as well which would require my absence for a day or so but I will tell you when that is to be. Not before the children are born I think." He pulled out a hammer and a few nails from his belt, shuffling onto the next in his mental list which was to reinforce the skeletal structure of the stables and the paddocks. So the man began to hammer nails into the wood with certainty, the tool never missing and always striking with almost perfect accuracy. The Austral male had been doing things like this for as long as he could remember, he hardly needed to see where he was swinging the hammer.

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