a little more country than that...
Dixie-May Jackson

how 'bout them cowgirls

Word Count → +3 :: poor wayne! D:

While the girl was a little bit concerned for her friend, she knew that they had to move the pig pretty fast. After the sow was secured to Duke’s body, she mounted his back and clicked gently, petting his neck as he pulled the large carcass out of the woods slowly. A long trail of blood was left in their wake, indicating their directing and exactly where they went. Thankfully rain wasn’t uncommon near the coast, so the girl wasn’t really afraid of anyone or anything following them from the blood. It would be thoroughly washed away in a few days, if not sooner.

Her hands rested on the stallion’s withers as he walked, eyes peeled for any predators that might have smelled the blood and come to investigate. She was already hopped up on adrenaline, so fighting something dangerous would be fin at this point. However the curse she heard from Wayne had her turning and hopping down from Duke’s back in one swift move. The horse kept walking slowly until he drew closer to the huge mare, then he stopped and dropped his head to graze more. Dixie ran over to Wayne’s side and fell to her knees, leaning over his large body

“Damn it. I knew we shoulda waited a bit longer…” She shook her head and leaned even closer, licking at the wound gently. She had nothing to patch it up with at the moment, and nothing to stitch with either. Simply cleaning it the feral way would have to do until they got back to the fort. “You need to shift so you can ride back. Walkin’ll only make it bleed more. Duke can pull the pig, you ride Fern and I’ll run, alright?” Her fingers stroked through his long dusty fur slowly, trying to bring comfort to him even though he wasn’t distressed.

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