A bored afternoon

Hey, sorry for the wait >.< It’s like 30C˚ outside and 40C˚ inside >.< And I didn’t think anyone liked Bellus =O

Wow, this one really loved to talk, but that wasn’t nessecarily a bad thing. Des loved to talk too, but his sentences usually became just short and informative and came out all clumsy, even when he tried to sound all wise and intellectual.

The answers he got were the same as he had gotten before, the wolves here were weak at heart, and the chance of them ever changing were as small as a single sand grain. He now knew that his pack probably wouldn’t be patted on the back for their efforts to rid this place of evil, but it was nice to know that there were wolves who would support them, even though it was just by moral.

Desaevio hadn’t met any coyotes yet, and though his pack leaders had told them all that they were a great threath, he hadn’t experienced any of that yet. It was really only the obligation that he felt towards his pack that made him make an effort for the war, and the fact that he was bored and his warrior pride didn’t let him of the hook that easily when others were suffering.

It’s too bad it has to be that way… he replied. But what can you really do about it? When one side raises its offspring to hate, murder and rape, whilst the other raises them to love and avoid conflict at any cost… if he ever had pups of his own, they would be warriors and hunters, he recented the sissies that seemed to surround him.


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