I'll Come Back, When You Call Me.
Never fear for Jace is here Big Grin

She had taken time out on this day from her hectic child filled life to indulge in a spot of lone hunting. She did not chase deer or elk but rather rabbits and voles, small furry things that should technically be asleep or close to it in their winter burrows. But there were always those few that could not resist the last shoots and greenness that stubbornly clung to life. And it were these that faced the hunter today; the stragglers and the greedy who died underneath her teeth and claws. These that she fell on and parted from their mortal coil with a deft flick of her jaws to snap bone and nerves.

She was a talented hunter and soon had a small pile of rabbits to show for her efforts, although once the word had spread about a grey scale killer on the loose the remaining rabbits had descended underground where she could not reach them without massive effort on her part, effort she was not willing to make, not for a few measly rabbits. She had what she desired and the five of them were carried in her paw by their overlong back legs, never to kick or move again. She had just been debating whether or not to go straight back to her house or to visit Noah first when the sound of hoof beats against the forest floor.

This wasn't really unusual, some of the other pack siblings did have horses that they could actually ride unlike her two mule in horse's clothing. But the sound of a sudden thump and then an equine voice calling out for help dragged her attention fully. She did not smell Ichika and if it had been a pack mate it most certainly would have been noticeable. The hybrid broke into a fast jog in the direction it had come from. What she didn't expect was to see a fallen rider with his horse dancing about in nervous circles. Jace dropped the rabbits out of the way and began to approach with her paws held up muttering soothing words in low speech to the incensed animal.

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