You don't need to hide, my friend.

And of course, because we have lord of the rings and the golden compass thrown in here, we also had to add A Game Of Thrones…so much for originality. wc; 748

He was still disorientated, and more than a little embarrassed. His emerald eyes narrowed through a thin gauze of mist. There was an old saying where he was from, the gypsy’s used to mutter the old ways and verses at times like these. What was it?

Winter is coming.

Of course. It wasn’t a phrase that was easily forgotten. It had sort of an eeriness to it, as if the words were alive. The phrase had always sent shudders through Frodo- he’d never quite understood why. Perhaps he finally did understand now, though. Last winter he’d been in a place with a much warmer climate that here, but he’d heard tales of the snow and the ice, and the cold. The cold killed people. People like him, Frodo added to his thoughts with a grimace, clenching his stiff fingers around the reins of his horse to steady himself. Frodo was more vulnerable in his current state. The two wolves had helped him regain some strength, and helped him take his mouth to water, but he wasn’t the same. On the outside he was almost-healthy but his insides had rubbed raw of emotion, and he was only just claiming back the strength to be happy again.

The curly furred, black, auburn, and gold marked male squeezed his mount with the tiniest of nudges, and the lively fellow was back at a canter again. They hadn’t galloped since Frodo had fallen, for though the horse was now well rested, well fed, and strong enough for galloping, Frodo was not. He’d lost his confidence for the day, and wished more than anything to just find home. But Mr Silvertongue had simply no idea if he was on the right trail or not, and his skill at tracking all together seemed to be lacking. The male was made to feel small, because he was usually great at tracking, and hunting. Physically, he actually was quite small; not that small - more average in height - but small looking nonetheless with his skinny frame, and narrow shoulders. Frodo rode his steed for about ten minutes more before finally declaring them both lost. It was getting colder, so Frodo reached down into a saddle bag, and pulled out his clock, wrapping it around himself tightly. He spotted a lone figure a few meters ahead, and this gave him hope. He dismounted in one fluent movement, and locked his eyes on the figure. He however turned round to glare at his horse as it let out a protesting whinny at the thought of his boy approaching a stranger. Strider was not a fan of wolves that were not Frodo. Shush your cakehole Strider. I dun wanna hear anything moving, anything speaking, squeaking, or meandering, even a mouse’s fart, so to speak. Frodo muttered to his companion. He grabbed the horse‘s bridle and attempted to walk up to the femme. Strider pulled at the bridle harshly in response. Naughty. We’re gettin outa these woods pronto, ‘soon have this bridy-bridle off, no more than a jiffy. But we keep it on, captain, till we get home. Frodo growled, in a somehow lively manor, to his horse.

The horse and wolf-man cautiously started walking a large circle, and then attempted to approach Naniko from the front. It was not a good idea approaching a stranger from the back, they would fear you were a backstabber! When Frodo first started to make out the form that stood in the cold breeze, he realised with a jolt it was a tall, powerful looking woman. This one’s gonna be tricky, you hear? Match me, Sidney. he left one last comment for his horse to mull over, and then finally got close enough to see the femme eye-to-eye. Frodo always looked people in the eyes, and it was nice to see she had her own orbs a similar striking shade of jade as he had his. She was attractive, in a stern looking way, Frodo noted. Ello there miss. I’m Frodo. Frodo Silvertongue. Something of a loner and something of an AniWayan. At your service in a thrice, I do declare. he gave her a wolfish, slightly shy and reserved smile, holding out a slender, but strong hand for her to shake. His eyes twinkled now. I’ve had my peepers searching for my ex-pack for a while, but I’m lost, you got me? Don’t suppose you’d know the way?

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