drove through ghosts to get here
Firefly had set off from the packlands with the intent to find herself outside of their land and looking off to what was considered no more. She was one of the few who really didn't mourn for the lands they'd left behind, of course to her they were nothing but a place she had been born. Storm had never truly been home, overseas and at her two half siblings side had been more home than these soils had, even now she felt the same.

Ireland had been so filed with wonder and mystery, the makings of fine dark things in her eyes. Living like the dark folk of mythology, stories and wisdom of their ways had filled her nights at the foot of the baird and the wise women. Her dreams had been clear and true in the distant lands, the woad markings hid beneith her coppery bronze fur on her cheeks spoke of her dreamwalking... now in these distant lands there was nothing but fog and mists. She had grown frustrated and there was not a soul she could turn to, no answers worth seeking in the lands of her birth. This was not home, never could it be in her eyes, until she found the answers she would always be treading water and never getting closer to landing.

She stood halfway up the side of the mountain gazing up to the long climb ahead, not really knowing why she was even heading this way, there was nothing left, there was nothing worth her time, just ash and charcoal as far as the eye could see. The scream of the preditorial bird make her ears flicker as she narrowed her eyes and gave up on her own stupid thoughts. She shook her head at her own folly and settled about walking to the edge of a large rocky outcrop to stare across the new territory, her mind suddenly changed on what she was doing. The course now, nowhere, and not fast at all.

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