j. running up the stairs
[html] WC: 452

He could not help but let a dark snicker fall from his lips when he watched Helotes reaction to the female - Zana's - arrival. From the bandages it was obvious she was injured, and Columbine could not help but be curious as to how she sustained them. However, it was not the time or place to be asking these questions, and the shadowy male shifted his dark red eyes to his brother once more, discounting the female. He could not spare any care for whether she stayed or left - this was an interaction between the two Lykois, in his mind, and nothing more.

The news that his mother was dead and Ilusion gone sank Columbine's dark heart like a stone. True emotion for the first time flickered across the male's face, and a disquieted frown pulled at his ebony lips. He felt no remorse for the attack on Jacinto, and did not spare any thoughts for it. Instead, he dwelled on the death of his mother. Columbine loved her the best he could - she had not deserved the kind of life Kerberos imposed upon her. None of them had, and while he had defended his mother and siblings the best he could, it had all been for naught. It wasn't fair, really, that Columbine should now be so marred by the fights between his father and he. Sighing deeply, he lifted his dark red eyes to his brother's, as they had been focused on the ground since hearing of his mother's death. I am sorry to hear that, he said quietly. I had hoped... But his voice trailed off and he refocused himself, now considering that Ilusion was missing and, in his opinion, it was entirely Jacinto's fault. Jacinto should have gone after her, Columbine snarled. He should have stopped her from running off, the loaf. His voice was acidic, dangerous - the dark male was clearly unamused by the entire affair.

He now glanced at Zana, his face still betraying the anger he felt at the whole mess of a situation. I have come here to join my brother Helotes, Columbine explained, voice clipped and short. I would like to join this pack after we resolve this particular problem he said, referring to Ilusion's current state of missing. He had not missed the venomous glare Helotes gave him earlier - now, Columbine shot him one of his own. Privately, he wondered whether or not he should have dragged Ilusion with him when he made the decision to leave his family. He had been blinded with rage and not thinking appropriately - if the mistake cost his sister her life, the male would never be able to forgive himself.


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