I'll Come Back, When You Call Me.
I was listening to Circle of Life while i wrote this XD
slight pp'ing of Strider :3 hope it's okay. Also Jace is like super mum XD

She had never feared horses in all of her life, she held respect and admiration for them yes but not fear, never fear. So the male's display of aggression did not perturb her as it should have done. Instead she felt the keen instinct to herd the animal but that she resisted with some ferocity, attempting to herd a horse was not a smart thing to do. Despite the obvious that her calming words were not working she continued to mutter anyway in hopes that something could get through to him. She ceased however when the formerly unconscious male woke up and said something to the white horse in a language strange to her, calmness settled and she eyed the pair of them warily.

A few steps forwards to better hear the words he spoke. A strange and mixed accent greeted her ears from a voice that was parched and dry, a body that was skinny and abused. He passed back into the black void before she could respond to his confused rambling but still her words carried on,

"Fear not Stranger, death comes not for you this day." The scent of another, an Ichikan female drew near and Jace felt a hand on her shoulder along with questioning words. She had not spoken to the woman personally before but had seen her around and knew of her name, the owl perched nearby did not escape her notice.

"X'yrin." She said by way of greeting. "No I do not but I believe we have an opportunity to do good here, assist another back into true life." She took a few more tentative steps forwards, letting the golden hand slide from her person as concern overtook her. She looked to the stallion and whispered I will help him If the horse wanted to attack her then he was welcomed to but she had only eyes for the fallen. She kneeled down next to him and placed two fingers at his throat feeling a pulse that was slow and weakening all the time. His skin was taught with dehydration, bones stuck out and muscle was barely visible. With a determined snort she got to her feet and leaned down and picked up the male with a show of strength that was amazing for her small size. He was placed on her shoulder where he would be easier to carry, compared to Ookami's massive weight that she had dragged befoer this man weighed almost nothing to her,

She turned to the woman that was now her aid, her voice quiet but with a steely strength, if X'yrin wished not to help her then Jace would do this alone but her opinion of the woman would be severely lessened,

"There is a cabin not five minutes walk from here. It has a stream running next to it for water and a bed to lay him in. Would you mind gathering up my catch." She nodded towards the rabbits that still lay on the ground like old forgotten socks.

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