drove through ghosts to get here
http://i27.tinypic.com/n2it5c.jpg); background-position: center bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 386px; background-color: rgb(107, 176, 172);">

     A silver-gold figure danced against his peripheral vision, and Draco turned his eyes to try and catch the form. It was a girl, as his nose had told him, and she was much closer then he had thought. The voice confirmed this, and he grunted, flicking the remains of the cigarette down the rocky slope. One hand trailed to a pocket, drawing an elastic band. “Hello,” he called out, pulling his hair into a messy ponytail.
     “You looking for something?” It was the question of a stranger, and said with a stranger’s concern. Draco looked no more out of place here then he did in the rest of the world.

Table by Tammi!

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