j. running up the stairs
[html]WC: 542

It was rare that Columbine would feel something besides an unfortunate mix of hatred and anger, and yet here he was, faced with a second emotion. A deep, painful sadness had settled in the male's chest as he considered what must have happened to his mother. Despite his...dispute with Jacinto, Columbine was certain that his mother had loved him. He loved her with a love only comparable to what he felt for Ilusion; she was one half of whatever was left in his cold, bitter heart. An embarrassing itch grew in the back of his throat and the optime male scuffed the ground with his paw as he found himself thinking about the now deceased woman. He would never get to say goodbye; he would never get to see her again... But the male quickly caught hold of himself and lifted his head, just in time to have Helotes wrap his arms around him.

It took the male a moment to respond, well-muscled arms hanging stiffly at his side for several awkward seconds before he took his brother in his arms. The whole ordeal felt strange and borderline unpleasant, but Columbine would endure it; it was the proper thing to do. He was grateful it only lasted seconds and he was released; Columbine had never known what to do exactly with these outward displays of familial affection. When Jacinto was mentioned, the male obviously stiffened and his lips raised in a silent snarl. Yes, perhaps we'll have a little chat about our last encounter, the male growled, his voice implying something entirely different from a docile chat. Perhaps while we're chatting, we'll discuss how he lost Ilusion.

When they parted, Helotes' hand remained on his shoulder, and the male could not bring himself to extricate himself from his brother. Standing stiffly, Columbine acknowledged Helotes introduction of the midget-woman; the ashen male nodded, and gave her another appraising look before a tight smile. Yes, brother, let there be peace, he stated, his dark red eyes cold and devoid of whatever sadness had been there earlier. Other words, more acidic words, wanted spill from his lips; he restrained them. It would not do to antagonize this female. The male had come a long way and wanted a rest and harbor in these lands. At least, for the time being. Still, he did not speak directly to Zana. He saw no purpose.

As they waited for the leader to arrive, Columbine could not help but wonder about Helotes' standing in the pack. For that matter, he was curious as to what a marshmallow like Jacinto found himself doing in a land that decided that good border decor involved skulls. He did not have long to wait before a male arrived on horseback. Cocking a brow, the shadowy male examined the rider - he supposed this was Ezekiel, the leader Helotes mentioned. Columbine found himself decidedly unimpressed, though he maintained a habitual respectful stance. One sister, Columbine murmured, though he knew the question was not addressed to him. Wherever she is. His deep voice gained volume as he looked up at the horseback male. I am Columbine Lykoi, brother to Helotes and Jacinto. I come to join your lands and my family, if you will have me.


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