Border Patrol

Word Count → 425 :: OOC: Merp

Shawchert knew it would be hard to explain things like this to Juliet, or anyone younger than an adult who hasn’t actually had need to protect a home, or felt territorial. Shawchert was quite territorial; even before Argul came. He’d caught a tresspasser or two, well more considering at the beginning they had nothing but, it was like the other wolves had been testing them.

“Yes sweetie, I have, and it was... disasterous.”

He knew that Juliet had been told in a way about Argul and the brother she never got to know. The one she didn’t know was still wandering near Shawchert every now and again. His face was in a frown a solid unhappy one, almost as though he’d seen death. Her barrage of questions snapped him out of it and he couldn’t help smile slightly at them. She really was full of questions.

“Some wolves mean others harm. There was a wolf who came to steal from us then, he came back to spite us because I had not let him through. He tried burning our tree, it was not a simple thing. Wolve’s like that need to be dealt with yes we had a pretty big fight,

He pointed to his chest, where the reminents of that fight still lay under his fur. It wasn’t as noticable as the other man’s would be but it pained Shaw now and again, but only for a short while, and he knew that wouldn’t last forever

“but if someone is trespassing we usually make sure to have a word with them and make them leave. I’ve escorted a good few wolves out myself.”

He stopped and his ears perked. A scent came to him and he held out one hand to her for her to stop and the other went to his mouth as he said shhh. He crept closer to where he caught the scent of the other. He was up wind so he probably hadn’t gotten the scent of the borders yet, but he was quite close. Shawchert could see the brown and white of the man, though it wasn’t too easy, he did blend in with the scenery a little bit. Standing at full height; after seeing the man was not possibly a threat, he just looked a little lost.

“Hello there, you look lost. My name’s Shawchert Menue, and you are close to the borders of Cercatori d’ Arte; do you need any assistance?”

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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