the natural flower of duty

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kiki; 311 words
Symera Villisca
and the rat's in the cradle

"Perhaps." She wasn't certain just how true that would end up being but she would give him the benefit of the doubt. He was an adult so it was quite likely that he knew exactly what it was that he was talking about. "My brothers are larger than me. They have always been larger than me." And there, a reason was provided as to why she still retained doubts. Even though her siblings were from the same litter as herself they all were quite larger than her. She was lucky if her head had reached their shoulders.

Symera gave a shake of her head. She had no idea about the rank that anyone held in the clan really, let alone co-ranks. It wasn't something that she had actively given much though to yet. She had no idea what rank, or even co-rank, that she would be cut out for. Perhaps it was something that she should actually give some sort of thought to. She was nearing the time that she would be entering the adult ranks so she really should consider just how she wished to represent herself within the clan.

"What do plants have to do with healing?" And in such a simple question she showed her lack of understanding in the field. After all when he has healed that other female while they were looking for traps she hadn't seen him use any plants then. Little did she know that such was what the applied salve had been compromised of. She hadn't seen it being created but had only got glance of it being applied and nothing more than that. But then again there were still quite a number of things that she didn't know or understand just yet. So the purpose of plants for healing was just another thing that she would have to find out more about.

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