Hot and Cold
Amy heard steps behind her, and turned her head slightly to watch. A silvery wolf approached her, muscles visible in his movements. He appeared to be a fine specimen. In other circumstances Amy would have seen a potential customer, or simple merchandise to secure. The facade of the trader had been dropped though, and Amy's bare mind examined him. She saw the enjoyment she could receive from him, and a grin slowly crossed her face. Amy's tail beat gently behind her, breaking the silence of the air around them.

And who would you be? A wandering knight? Or perhaps a prince in disguise. Languidly she slid off where she stood, approaching him. She hadn't dropped any of her arrogant demeanor, yet she didn't demand that he submit. Instead Amy viewed him with interest, allowing him to choose his own posture. He seemed strong, something that attracted her as few things did. She sniffed at him, striding around in a circle. No, maybe just a jester here for my amusement? A playful look lighted her face, teasing the wolf to try and match her.

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