[M]Lost then Found
She reacted in the complete opposite way he had expected her too. He felt like an evil man then, like he had been playing some game with someone who obviously didn’t know any better. If he thought honestly about her he’d see he really didn’t have much choice, he loved her and children would most likely be the most likely progression for them. But she had taken his statement not as a bit sarcastic but as the truth and he only watched her in her panic. She was emotional; he wasn’t prepared to deal with a woman like her emotional. He could deal with anyone being mean, disrespectful, or any multitude of things, but emotional was not something he had ever been able to deal with well.

Finally he sat upright, looking at her disheveled form, not really sure what to say. It wasn’t something they had actually talked about, making their pairing official, hell they didn’t even live together.

“We don’t even live together right now X’y, we have mated, and I am a nice guy, and uh, well, if I’m honest I’d already think of you as mine, just hadn’t really thought about these types of things yet. “ Yep, as always he was awkward. He looked over at her for the moment, wondering what she was thinking, wondering if her next statement would throw more turmoil into the small cave.

“I wouldn’t mind having children if you wouldn’t whenever the time is right?” he added, a year or two ago, it would have been the worst case scenario, but if making her happy made him happy, then he could get used to the idea of little ones running around.

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