Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.

wc; 350 and somethin... xD

The subtle incline of the head and the note of curiosity that rose in the wolf dog’s throat did not go unnoticed by Frodo, and he just shrugged it off mentally with a mild smile. His ferocious, yet soft emeralds glassed over a tad when the - Italian? - mongrel spoke to him once more, because indeed Frodo was just as curious with the stranger as the stranger was him. A large grin curled upon the sides of his lips at Ibycus’s statements; not uncruely however largely amused. That’s just the way it is. he responed first, boldly and with great desire to unfold this conversation more, and with it the hybrids secrets. Half of what I say is rubbish, you get me? this was true. The words that had especially made Ibycus ponder the meaning; Morning Glory and Coca Cola, Frodo himself had no idea of either. It was just simple ditty’s that he’d picked up along the way of his travels, and in turn had learned to speak vigorously and with great excitement.

Mr Silvertongue kept on talking, his gold-stained maw flashing open and close in quick succesion; the youth was quite eager, to say the least, to talk. Nice to meet you, Ibycus. Frodo paused, tapping his fingers on a leg to release some of his bursting energy, and then continued chattering away. A desparado goes skulking like a blind mouse, running up their grandfather clocks, sneaking under-the-ground, bein’ punished by the dunce’s cap, so to speak. You get me?

His quirkiness enabled him to carry on smiling when Ibycus told him some tragic information. Truly, he would be on his own from here; it didn’t look like there‘d be others to be meeting for miles. ‘Tis a shame, my lemon drop sundae. ‘Tis a shame indeed. But we could be safe with a chat, and a chateth we shall, eh jeeves! Was it not Romeo that once asked Rapunzel to let down her long chair? goodness, if Ibycus had been confused before, he would be overwhelmed by now. But poor Frodo didn’t know this, of course, the silly sod.

Frodo Silvertongue

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