Selling sea shells by the sea shore..

It’s ok, I’ve been sick lately so I haven’t really had any will to write Undecided And my appologies for the bad spelling…I only have wordpad at work and it’s without a grammar and spelling program >.<

His non-threatening posture seemed to be working, though at the start the female still were on the deffensive, and her little creature looked like it was ready to bite him at any second. He kept his stance, sitting down on his feet, his hand dropped down on his knee from the outstretched position. It didn’t seeme like an reality that she would accept his gesture.

What rumors? was she really reffering to him as a beast? And I’m no beast, a luperci means that I can transform to what you see before you now, and I can honestly tell you that I’m much less dangerous like this than in my wolf shape. he smiled, it was true, this form made him slower…but had he had weapons, he still might have considered himself just as strong as in wolf form, but he didn’t, so he wasn’t. The only real use of this form is the transformation of my paws… he showed them to her and wiggeled all his fingers. with them I can craft things, like the beeds in my mane. he pointed at them, not thinking that she was stupid or anything, but hoping that his calm voice brought her answers and calmed both her and her creature down.

Have you never seen a shape-shifter before? he asked. Des thought it weird if she never had, in his pack, almost everyone had the ability to shift. It was another case with his old pack, only a selected few families had the ability, and they rarely mated outside their own. One could call them royalty.

Dahlia de Mai is the name of my pack, and filix is my rank…it’s really nothing to brag about, my rank is one of the lowest because I just joined. Desaevio hoped he wasn’t scaring her away by pumping to much information out. And he still hoped that she would relax a bit more and get some answers to her questions. Don’t you belong to a pack Alexey?


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