

OOC goes here.

Jacinto, as pleasant as ever, was more than glad to see Helotes. He didn’t answer him in Spanish, which somewhat puzzled the dark Lykoi, but he wrote it off as discomfort on the part of his brother; he probably would have refrained from their personal tongue had he just shown up at a new place as well. Neverminding this, Helotes stood beside his shorter brother, tail wagging enthusiastically, waiting to hear what Jacinto had to say; the words that followed made Helotes world crash down around him.

Jacinto spilled forth that Columbine had attacked them, and that their stubborn sister had gone after him, most likely in a fit of rage as she was prone to have. But then Jacinto spoke, like nails into Helotes heart that their mother Leticia had died; succumbed to sickness. Helotes stance frayed and he fell down to the rock that Jacinto had been sitting on, trembling. Dead? It could not be.

But Helotes had not even a chance to react before Jacinto continued, carrying on the conversation like there was not a care for the weight of what he just put on his brother. Helotes looked up at him wide eyed, confused and completely numb. Why was his brother, his brother that had received the most love from their mother, speaking of her death like it was nothing? Was he still in shock? Had the gravity of this truth not hit him yet? Helotes struggled with what to say when Jacinto asked how he had been fairing; his brother, either in shock or having decided to bury the pain of their mother’s death, was obviously putting up a front and Helotes could do nothing but do the same.

He gathered himself up, closing up his heart for now, and with thick words answered, I am well. I have missed you too, when did you arrive?

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